Achieve a quality, illness-free life
Every day, in different parts of the world, many people are forced to live their lives under the onslaught of various diseases. Sadly, some eventually lose their precious lives in the struggle. Living to old age in good health is a common aspiration of the entire global village, and it is our objective to achieve this aspiration.
We are indeed happy to see Natural Health Farm grow from strength to strength since its humble beginnings. We are more gratified to find Natural Health Farm well accepted by various sectors in the society. After all, this is our way to spread our love and share our happiness, and we intend to share with you the joy of wellness.
As our society continues to progress, our environment too is increasingly being polluted. This has posed a constant threat to our normal health as we cannot avoid taking in a plethora of toxins, unconsciously through our food, air, water and radiation.
To free ourselves from such predicaments, Dr. Jessie Chung’s Super D’tox Program is an effective solution. This program will first break down all the toxins hidden in our body and then discharge them via our intestinal tract, urine and other secretions. Eventually, the body will recover its ability to properly absorb nutrition and regain good health.
It is indeed encouraging that many people who have tried out this program have rediscovered sound health. Many of them even noticed that the program also enhanced their bodies’ self-healing function.
It is necessary to consult the doctor when we are sick; however, the best doctor is our body itself. Therefore, taking good care of our bodies is imperative to achieving a quality life, free from illnesses.
• Doctor of Medicine—Clinical Integrative Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine—Oncology (Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China)
• PhD in Health Sciences (Charisma University)
• Master of Business Administration, MBA (University of South Australia)
• Master of Science (University of Health Science, Hawaii, US)
• Bachelor of Science (American Holistic College of Nutrition)
• Bachelor of Science in Oriental Medicine (Oriental Medical Institute, Hawaii, US)
• Bachelor of Homeopathic Medical Science (Homeo Research & Educational Institute, Malaysia)
• Executive Bachelor in Diet and Nutrition (Asia E University)
• President of Natural Health Naturopathic Centre
• President of Natural Health Naturopathic Academy
• President of Malaysia Naturopathic Association
• Vice President of Malaysia Anti-Cancer Association (MACA)
• Council member of Malaysian TCM Practitioners Association
• Member of American Naturopathic Medical Association(ANMA)
• Member of American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC)
• Diploma in Senior Nutritionist (Chengdu University of TCM, China)
• Diploma in Diet & Nutrition (ITEC, UK)
• Diploma in Fitness & Nutrition (ICS, Pennsylvania, USA)
• MOH-Registered TCM Practitioner
• Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor (American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board, ANMCB)
• Board Certified Naturopathic Practitioner (Malaysian Society of Complementary Therapist, MSCT)
• Board Certified Chinese Medical Doctor (CMD) (Malaysia TCM Practitioners Association)
• Certified Nutritional Consultant (American Association of Nutritional Consultants, USA)
• Certificate of Chinese Medicine (Chung Hua Institute of Chinese Medicine, Malaysia)
• Certificate in Internal & Cancer Therapy (The China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guang An Men Hospital, Beijing, China)
• Certified Wushu Judge & Coach (Sports Bureau & Dept. of Education of Guangdong, China)
• Certified Duan Wei 5 (5th Grade) in Chinese Wushu Grading System (Chinese Wushu Association)